Forward of "Fakel," Alexey Kashtanov shared in an interview with "SE" about his time working at "Pyaterochka."
— In your interview with the "Fakel" press service, you mentioned that you once weighed 115 kg...
— Yes, that was the case. 115... I wasn't watching my diet. I was working at "Pyaterochka," eating whatever I wanted. Sometimes night shifts, sometimes day shifts. No proper routine. I wasn't really into sports. Played occasionally in KFK... But I have no complaints. On the contrary, I'm glad that life has thrown such surprises my way.
— Did you work at the checkout in "Pyaterochka"?
— No, I worked in the warehouse. I don’t see anything shameful in that. I have a wife and two kids. I understood the full extent of my responsibilities. A man should be the breadwinner in the family. I always wanted my wife to be able to stay home and raise the children. And that’s exactly how it is now. That’s also a tremendous job. In our time, it’s tough to raise decent children. My son plays hockey, and my daughter takes dance classes. And my wife gets just as tired as I do.