Forward of "Fakel" Alexey Kashtanov in an interview with "SE" shared how he spends his money.
— How can you, having moved from amateurs to the RPL, ensure that you don't get carried away by your personal contract? After all, your income level has skyrocketed.
— I know the value of money. I don't buy unrealistic items, jackets, and so on. The most expensive thing I have is a Louis Vuitton wallet that Eric Bikfalvi brought me from Hungary. It cost 60 or 70 thousand rubles. Other than that, everything is quite simple. Right now, I'm dealing with a mortgage. 70 percent of my salary goes towards it.
— Wow.
— Yes. It's just a phase in life. Nothing serious. We live penny by penny. The first payments are quite significant. We talked to the kids and explained that this is our current life situation. My son and daughter reacted well. My wife and I have no secrets from them. It's clear that the income level has also increased. There are bonuses as well. But my head definitely hasn't gone anywhere! Football will always be my top priority. You have to love football more than money— and everything will be fine, I believe that.