General practitioner Irina Dvorkina shared with “SE” the reasons behind the development of paranoia. According to her, this condition is marked by feelings of suspicion or an impending threat, but lacks a solid evidence base. Nonetheless, there are real triggers for anxiety.
“You are more likely to experience paranoid thoughts when you are in a vulnerable state, under stress. When you feel a negative attitude towards yourself. If you are in dysfunctional relationships or have recently been robbed, this can lead to suspicious thoughts that may escalate into paranoia,” the expert explained.
The doctor added that a lack of sleep can also be a cause of paranoia. Sleep deprivation heightens feelings of insecurity and anxious thoughts due to the gradual depletion of the nervous system and body. Fears can manifest in anxious dreams or insomnia.
“Reports of crime, terrorism, and violence can also trigger paranoid feelings, especially if you spend too much time reading negative news,” Dvorkina emphasized.
Furthermore, paranoid thoughts are more common among city dwellers or members of large communities, where a sense of isolation from others and a feeling of being excluded from social interactions can arise.