Tuesday10 December 2024

Science Digest: "Rosatom" unveiled its electric car, coffee aids recovering alcoholics, and a hologram of Jesus has emerged in Switzerland.

What?! The weekend is already over? This time, we got a bit lost in the workweek and time, but we haven't forgotten about our scientific news digest!
Научный дайджест: «Росатом» представил электромобиль, кофе способствует восстановлению алкоголиков, а в Швейцарии появилась голограмма Иисуса.
In this issue, you will discover:
  • What the first crossover from "Rosatom" will look like
  • Is there an explanation for the strange behavior of a dolphin that talks to itself
  • How coffee helps in the fight against alcoholism
  • What is the hologram of Jesus Christ doing in a church in Switzerland
  • How police in the USA solved a mysterious murder from the last century thanks to a taxi
  • Why healthy people might benefit from lying in a cryochamber
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